Yes, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media
No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government
Yes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated
No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news

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 @9JNGKL7from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but in the form of a new independent unaffiliated unbiassed secular apolitical non-partisan fully-transparent organization as the government should not determine what is fake or real news, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated, make a scale of factuality and credibility and utilize fact-checkers

 @9CHPMYBfrom Arizona answered…10mos10MO

Regulations should only hold social media accountable to monitor extreme and violent messages threatening domestic tranquility. And henceforth only deplatform content creators on a case by case basis.


No, but there should be more consequences to social media sites that fail to properly combat misinformation

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