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 @ISIDEWITH Подано…15 год15H

Ukraine Strikes Russia's Most Advanced Fighter Jet Deep Inside Enemy Territory

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…16 год16H

Biden Avoids Netanyahu in Washington

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…16 год16H

Can the actions of militant groups justify severe retaliatory responses that result in high civilian casualties?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…16 год16H

What are your thoughts on the responsibility of both attacking and defending sides in a conflict for the safety of civil…

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…16 год16H

How do you feel about the impact of military operations on civilian populations, especially in densely populated areas?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…16 год16H

200 Palestinians Killed In Gaza Hostage Raid

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…17 год17H

Senator Supports Sending U.S. Troops To Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…17 год17H

The Race for Trump's VP Pick Heats Up: Noem Advocates for a Female Vice President

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…17 год17H

Far-Right Gains and Government's Weak Showing in Germany's EU Vote

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…19 год19H

Narendra Modi Embarks on a Third Term as India's Prime Minister with Coalition Support

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…19 год19H

Tragic End for Beloved British TV Doctor Michael Mosley in Greece

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…20 год20H

US Accelerates Military Withdrawal from Niger Amid Rising Tensions