


If access to free birth control was universal, how do you think it would shape the future workplace or economy?


How do you reconcile the costs associated with providing free birth control with the potential societal benefits?


Do you think that free birth control should be a right or a privilege; why do you feel that way?


How might the availability of free birth control affect goals and decisions in your life after high school?


If you had to argue for or against free birth control to a friend, what points would you raise?


How does the idea of free birth control align with your personal values about responsibility and freedom?


What are the potential pros and cons you see in providing free birth control to people your age?


Can you imagine how the discussion about free birth control would differ between generations in your family?


In what ways do you think free birth control could impact our high school's student body?


How would your family or community change if birth control was free for everyone?