
176 Replies


If you found out a law was passed based on information you weren't allowed to see, how would that change your view on your government's transparency?


Imagine you could freely access any government database or document; what's the first thing you would look up, and why?


How does the idea of having unrestricted access to what happens behind government doors make you feel about your role in society?


Have you ever encountered a situation where having more information would have drastically changed the outcome? Share your story.


In what innovative ways do you think we could use technology to improve transparency and public access to important information?


How would you feel and what would you do if you learned that key information affecting your community's health and safety was intentionally withheld?


If a company was found to be hiding important product risks, how would that inform your consumer behavior?


How would you act on a personal or social issue differently if you had more facts and less hearsay?


If there were no barriers to information, how might that influence your approach to voting or activism?


How would public awareness change if all scientific research was immediately published and made freely available?


Have you ever needed to make a decision but lacked enough information; what would you have wanted to know?


How would your view of government change if you found out it was withholding information that could benefit your health?


Why might too much information be overwhelming, and how do you discern what’s important to know?


How might the accessibility of educational resources across different demographics change societal structure?


How energized would you feel to take action if you had detailed information about social issues impacting your local area?


What’s a piece of hidden history from your country that you feel should be common knowledge?


If a whistleblower exposed unsafe conditions at a popular restaurant, would it change your dining habits?


Why do you think some governments are hesitant to release all their data to the public?


How might your approach to voting be different if you had full insights into political campaign financing?


If you could uncover one truth in your community that’s shrouded in secrecy, what would it be and why?


How would discovering your personal conversations were being monitored without your consent alter your sense of privacy?


How might complete transparency of law enforcement practices affect community-police relations?


What's the most important piece of information you think should always be publicly available and why?


How would knowing the full content of agreements between your country and others affect your sense of national identity?


Imagine you had access to uncensored global news; how would that alter your worldview?


How could better access to information about consumer products change your buying habits?


What would you advocate for if you had in-depth knowledge of the issues impacting your local community's well-being?


How do you think citizen access to real-time government decision-making processes would change public engagement?


How would the historical understanding of significant events change with complete freedom of information?


Why might government secrecy contribute to public distrust, and can you think of a remedy?


How could unrestricted access to scientific data influence our response to global challenges like climate change?


How would practical, day-to-day decisions be influenced by knowing the exact use of your tax dollars?


How might the knowledge of secret government surveillance programs impact your behavior online?


Would you support a law that mandates public officials to disclose their financial records?


What are the dangers of living in a society where the government controls all media outputs?


Imagine you are a journalist; how would you handle a situation where you're limited by restricted information?


If there was a societal problem in your area that was being ignored, how could freedom of information help?


What emotions do you feel when you hear about journalists being denied access to information?


How might the world be different if there had always been complete transparency in government spending?


How would you feel if medical research funded by your tax dollars was kept secret?


How do you feel about the argument that some government information needs to remain secret to protect citizens?


What if you found out your ancestors were part of a significant historical event that was kept secret?


Have you ever needed information for a life decision that wasn't available; how did that affect your choices?


If you discovered a government cover-up, would you speak out and why?


How do you think your life would be different if government decisions were made without public knowledge?


How important is it to you that the results of publicly funded research are accessible to all?


Can you think of a time when someone’s life could have been improved if they had access to certain information?


If you were part of a government, under what circumstances, if any, would you keep information from the public?


What are the consequences if the public is unaware of environmental issues affecting their health due to information withholding?


What’s your take on whistleblowers revealing hidden information; are they heroes or traitors?