The U.S. currently gives $38 billion to Israel every year in foreign aid assistance. Most of the aid is used by Israel to buy American military hardware, such as jets and components for missile defense. $38 billion is 50% of the United States’ foreign aid budget for 2017. Opponents argue that the aid given to Israel is unnecessary since the country provides free healthcare and college tuition to its citizens. Proponents argue that the aid is necessary to promote democracy in the Middle East and maintain a balance of power with other countries in the region.
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We must support Palestine
Yes, but work with both states to create a two state solution in order to end the Israel-Palenstine crisis.
No tax dollars should be spent on foriegn aid.
No, and and no longer recognize Israel and begin to recognize Palestine
No, Israel is a terrorist nation that profits off of killing innocent children and America has no business getting involved. I'd prefer if America supported Palestine instead though since Palestine needs our help.
NO end ALL foreign financial aid to all countries forever without apology
Israel is not a legitimate state. It fools the religious Americans into supporting it when in reality it promotes vile degeneracy and is an enemy of all faiths, including Judaism. Zionism is a haven for the wicked.
No, The US should respect Israel's and Palestine's sovereignty but not be involved with the conflict or how both countries interacts with their neighbors. The US should cut all support and aid to all foreign nations.
No, Israel is a terrorist nation that profits off of killing innocent children and America has no business getting involved.
Yes, and continue to support S.Korea and Taiwan.
Yes, we should maintain our alliance and support them as one of the strongest democracies in the Middle East, and seek either a peaceful, two-state solution along the lines of the 1949 Armistice Agreements, or a mutually ratified consociational solution.
Yes, and also continue to supporting S.Korea and Taiwan
Yes, and continue to supporting S.Korea, and Taiwan.
Not the right wing government. I support a nation for the Jewish people but they had no right to kick out the Palestinian people.
Yes, but also continue to support S.Korea and Taiwan
Yes, but recognize the Palestinian genocide caused by Israel. Support Gantz not Netanyahu.
Yes, on the contingent that they work to establish a two-state solution with the Palestinians
Yes, but in return the US should demand that Israel ceases discriminating against Christians and promoting homosexuality and transgenderism.
Yes, but only if they stop bulldozing settlements.
No and the USA shouldn't recognize the zionist occupation of the Holy Land as a legitimate state.
No, we should not give aid to any foreign nations unless used for humanitarian purposes.
No, the U.S. can support Americans.
We should support them as we would a developed ally, with the understanding that continued mistreatment of Palestinians is unacceptable and will lead to consequences and possible sanctions.
No, not until they treat the Palestinian people humanely
No, Not until they treat the Palestinian people fairly
Yes, we are morally obligated to support and fund Israel, as they are our best ally
No not until we reduce our national dept
No, not until Palestinian human rights and self-governance are respected.
Yes, but maybe cut back the spending a little bit.
this doesn't really effect me
Yes, but also work to create a two state solution in order to end the Israel-Palenstine crisis.
Yes, but recognize Palenstine and also work with both states to create a two state solution in order to end the Israel-Palenstine crisis.
Not the current administration and we should give equal support to Israel and Palestine.
i think we should continue to give them money but to help there very poor country because they have horrible health and government
yes but respect sovereignty unless harming others
No, the situation in the Israel and Palestine is too marred in controversy.
No, we should do what helps our own best interests the most.
We should push for a two state solution and push for Israel to give equal rights to Palestinians and other Muslims.
No. We should give less aid to countries, unless they are truly in danger and then help humans in countries that are abusing them and/or their rights.
No, with regard to its behavior toward Palestine
The United States should continue to support Israel's right to exist, however the United States should exercise its leverage over Israel to force a two-state solution.
We should continue to support Israel as we support any other nation -- with sovereignty and diplomacy, and if desired as an ally we can have mutual defense treaties; however, we should not have preferential or differential treatment.
Yes, but reverse recognition of areas taken by force as part of Israel and oppose further annexations of Palestinian land by Israel. We need to work with Israel and Palestine for a two state solution in the region that will give Palestinians a contiguous state and end Israeli influence in areas that are supposed to be under Palestinian control.
We should give no support to Israel and Palestine and coordinate peace talks
Only if aid is conditional.
Yes, but only for the sake of US influence in the region
Yes, but condition the amount of support and aid upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
Yes, but condition support and aid upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
Yes, but condition the amount of aid and support given upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
Yes, but with less aid and more military presence.
Yes, but make human rights treatment of the Palestinians a primary consideration for the amount of support and aid granted.
Yes, but condition the amount of support and aid upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians.
Yes, but condition the amount of aid and support upon human rights treatment towards the Palestinians
Yes, but condition the amount of aid and support upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
Yes, but should respect Palestinian and support a two state solution. Palestinian are constantly subject to police violence.
Yes, but condition the amount of support and aid given upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
Yes, but condition support and aid upon human rights treatment towards the Palestinians.
Yes, but condition the amount of aid upon human rights treatment of the Palestinians
We should encourage peace or stay out.
Yes, Israel is an important US ally in the Middle East
Yes, but we should maintain a more neutral stance when it comes to their internal disputes
increase humanitarian support but decrease military support
No. We need to fix our great Nation first before helping others.
yes but cut back on funding
Provide non-military foreign support to Israel and do not influence the actions of Israel based on the interests of the US. A peace agreement must be formed between the nations of Israel and Palestine.
Yes, but no more than we support other allies.
No, and we should help Palestine.
Yes, but we should cut back on support. We should not be tasked of babying a nation that cannot take care of itself
Yes, but only through trade and training, no advisory troops or military assistance unless there is a war.
Yes, but we should lesson the amount of money we're giving them.
I understand Israel is possibly our most important ally in the area. However, if are not reliant on the Middle East (Saudi Arabia/Iraq/Afghanistan) for oil any longer, I don't think it is necessary to continuously defend the Israelites as hard in the future. The people of Israel and Palestine should be given the full support of the American government and people to practice their beliefs freely and live not in fear of daily attacks.
No, the US should not give aid to any foreign nations until the national debt is reduced
No, although we shouldn't cut all relationships with them, we should not spend one third of our foreign aid budget on them (maybe 1/5 or 1/6), be less involved and dont dictate how it interacts with Palestine
Yes, but respect Israel’s sovereignty and do not dictate how it should interact with its neighbors, and decrease funding
We should give equal support to Israel and Palestine to try and find a middle ground and compromise
Yes, but we should be less involved, decrease our spending for aid, and do not dictate how it interacts with other nations
Yes, but decrease spending and work more towards the unity than division in the middle east
Yes, but lessen the amount of money. Our country has suffering people too.
No, and Israel should pay pay reparations to Palestine
Instead of giving them money to buy jets and other weapons just give that to them. It may cost less to just give them what they need. Than to give them money and then give money back for what they bought.
Yes, but reduce the amount of funding
Yes, we should support Israel morally and militarily as we share the same enemies but we should not be supporting Israel monetarily.
Yes, but only with non-monetary material aid, as our nation should not give monetary aid to foreign countries, also we should stop supporting Palestine in any form, and move our embassy to Jerusalem
Yes, but cut support in half and respect Israel's sovereignty
Yes, but reduce the amount of financial aid we are giving them.
Yes, for bibilical reasons, but lower the amount of foreign aid we give to Israel and respect Israeli sovereignty. However, we should stay out of their wars as much as possible unless Israel itself is directly attacked.
No, Israel is a terrorist state and the United States should not subsidize the genocide of Palestinians.
No, Isreal doesn't need that much help and there are many other countries that are in worse shape than Isreal.
No, because our reasons for doing so are purely religious which is a violation of the 1st amendment
Not the current administration.
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