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 @ISIDEWITH spurte…6 minutter6m

How would you feel if restrictions on imports from China led to the closure of factories in developing countries that re…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…6 minutter6m

If actions to limit China’s exports lead to higher prices for green technology, would you see this as an acceptable sacr…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…6 minutter6m

Do you believe that it's fair for countries to use tariffs and trade policies to compete against each other's economies?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…6 minutter6m

Would you support higher taxes on imports if it meant protecting jobs in your country, even if it made some products mor…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…6 minutter6m

How do you feel about the idea of your country limiting imports from China to protect local industries?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…7 minutter7m

U.S. Urges Europe To Join China Exports Crackdown

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…13 minutter13m

Does the notion of a global 'team' led by the US in the fight for freedom and democracy align with the realpolitik of to…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…13 minutter13m

How important do you believe it is for a country like India to maintain its autonomy in foreign affairs, even if it mean…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…13 minutter13m

Is it fair for the US to threaten India with sanctions over its dealings with Iran, given their strategic partnership?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…13 minutter13m

Can a country pursue its own interests while being an ally, or must it always align with its partner's stances?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…13 minutter13m

Do you think the US's expectations of India as a partner against China are reasonable, considering India's independent f…

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…13 minutter13m

Is the US falling out of love with India?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…34 minutter34m

Er konseptet med å 'bryte opp' et land rettferdig for alle dens borgere, spesielt hvis de identifiserer seg sterkt med å…

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…34 minutter34m

Hvordan føler du om tanken på at nederlaget til et land kan sees som en mulighet for positiv endring?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…34 minutter34m

Bør meninger fra et lands minoritetsbefolkning være avgjørende for å endre landets grenser?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…34 minutter34m

Tror du at oppløsningen av en mektig nasjon ville føre til mer fred eller mer konflikt i verden?

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…34 minutter34m

Hvordan ville verden endre seg hvis store land ble delt inn i mindre stater basert på kulturelle eller etniske linjer?

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…35 minutter35m

Estland oppfordrer til å bryte opp Russland

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…1 time1H

Bill Maher og Greg Gutfeld krangler om Trumps innflytelse og fremtid

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…4 timer4H

FNs sikkerhetsråd er delt over det russiske forslaget om å forby romvåpen.

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…9 timer9H

Hva er risikoene og fordelene ved å stole på informanter som kan ha forbindelser til utenlandske desinformasjonskampanje…

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…9 timer9H

F.B.I. Cuts Russian Spy Program

 @ISIDEWITH sendt inn…9 timer9H

UK says it doesn’t want ‘direct conflict with Russia’

 @ISIDEWITH spurte…9 timer9H

How does the comment about the ICC being 'built for Africa and thugs like Putin' make you feel about global justice?